Wacky Tacky Walk-a-thon


The Wacky Tacky Walk-a-thon is a school wide event held in the Fall to foster community at Countryside Elementary. This event raises money for our Spring service day event where students participate in community service activities.

Fundraising is better when everyone works together to make a difference, and our goal is to raise money to support our February service project – Countryside Day of Service. All students will be taking part in the Walk-a-thon and families are invited to participate in the fundraising efforts to the best of their ability.  


In February 2023, Countryside Elementary students worked on projects that supported the following non-profit organizations across the Twin Cities:

  • Humane Society of MN

  • Open Door Pantry

  • Agate Housing and Services

  • My Very Own Bed

  • Hats & Mittens

In addition, students made placemats for senior living facilities and cards for children receiving healthcare at the Children’s Hospital Minneapolis.

Thank you for helping Countryside students develop an understanding of the importance of giving to others! 


If you have any questions, please reach out to Becky Peterson: rebucka21@gmail.com.